
BIConcepts IT Consulting GmbH
Schoenbrunner Schlossstrasse 2 B.702
1140 Vienna

Commercial register number: 289003f
Commercial register court: Vienna Commercial Court

Sales tax identification number: ATU63127100
Chamber membership: Vienna Chamber of Commerce

Terms of Service: Terms and Conditions

Liability notice
BIConcepts IT Consulting is not liable for damage resulting from incorrect or delayed content or from actions that were carried out in reliance on the correctness of the content. Despite careful content control, BIConcepts IT Consulting GmbH assumes no liability for the content of external links. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content. All contributions are without guarantee for the correctness of the content.

All rights reserved. Duplication of texts and data including storage and use on optical and electronic data carriers only within the contractually agreed framework or with the prior consent of BIConcepts IT Consulting GmbH. The use of data, including feeding it into online services, databases or websites by unauthorized third parties, is prohibited.

Links / references
Our websites contain links to other sites on the Internet. The following applies to all these links: We expressly emphasize that we have no influence whatsoever on the design and content of the linked pages. We therefore hereby expressly distance ourselves from all content on all linked pages on our homepage. This declaration applies to all links on our website and to all contents of the pages to which the logos lead. Should the content of this website violate applicable copyright law or trademark law, we will remove it as soon as possible upon notification.